redgirl1974's Logboek, 26 feb 16

So my last post about the apple rendered a lot of comments and it got me thinking.. how afraid of carbs am I really??.. I think I am A I was stressing for a day over an apple..I think that bc I was so heavy (255 at one point),Im so paranoid to let myself enjoy a piece of fruit every now and then and its not healthy at all.. I thinks its mental too bc I feel so guilty when I enjoy something not "on plan" like humus. I mean really.. how can I find that happy balance?This is not an new issue for me. Ive posted before about being scared to move on.. and every time I do, I back it right up when I stall.And notice, its pointless bc Im not actively losing 1-2 lbs a week any more. I lose one week,one week I dont,yada yada. And I really think this over stressing is causing my randoms cheats. I think Im in a hamster wheel of some sort. Ive been working with a nutritionist and I do good for a day or two after we visit but I feel like im just bullsh!tting my way thru those visits bc I secretly know Im not gonna add rice or oatmeal into my diet.. UGH.. any advice ?? Where are my low carb gurus?? And for the record, yes Ive lost a lot of weight but Im short and still considered obese.. so BOO..

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I would suggest you plan your "Cheat" days as I do. I stick to my LowCarb diet during the week. This has moderate Fat, and moderate Protein. Saturday afternoon and Saturday evening are all high carb, beer, fries, candy, pasta, etc.. If I want a night out for dinner, it's Saturday. Come Sunday, i'm back on plan. The only wrinkle to this is during the week when i'm at the gym on Monday and Thursday. Any candy I want I save till after the gym and have it with my protein shake. A diet you had to lose weight is not the same diet you need to stick with for maintenance. And yes, as you were 255 lbs, that will always weigh on your mind that every 2 lbs gain is another step in the wrong direction. My lunches have Wild Rice instead of White Rice, Sweet Potato instead of White Potato, it's portion controlled, but not measured to the exact doesn't have to be. Setup a limited but varied set of foods you like to eat and rotate them so that you know which combinations go with which. There really is nothing off-limits, it's just a question of when and how much. 
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
Thanks Majohn, It's so great having an on-line coach.. Your comments to one of us reach all of us. Thanks so much for being so helpful 
26 feb 16 door lid: dboza
You can't "Diet" forever, it has to be natural...people say everything in moderation, and it's just not like that. If you ate everything in moderation, your diet would be overly saturated with Carbohydrates, as that's how food is today. Put the fruit and honey at the top of the pyramid...just a little bit here and there. If it's Summer and White Peaches are in Season...hell yeah, dive in...but don't add random fruit in the middle of winter imported from all ends of the earth, eat with the seasons and fruit is never an issue. 
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
Mahjohn gives some good advice for one way to do LCHF and still work in some "cheats" if you want to think if it like that. I'll just add this: Each of us are different and we have to find what works for us. It sounds like you if you want to continue with LCHF, it's important to find the balance of things that works for you, that you can sustain. While I don't do LCHF I still have to work my plan to be something I can live with that is sustainable and healthy. As for the nutritionist, is he/she on the same page with you as far as LCHF? Sounds like that may not be the case and that would be a source of stress/conflict? 
26 feb 16 door lid: jmb3450
@jmb3450 makes a very valid point and one that can apply to all plans that are worth comparing (cabbage soup diet is not one...just sayin'), the point is that no matter what plan you start with, ultimately you have to find something that you can live with and fits what you consider to be your "style" of eating, while still maintaining your weight or continuing your weight loss. Personally I argue with Nutritionists and Dietitians on one simple fact...Fruit Juice is not a natural source of anything and is just the same as a can of Coke (mini-rant over)  
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
Earlier this month I went to go see a dietician concerning my glucose the doctor felt that was running a little high. The dietician states carbs has gotten a bad rap. You can have carbs, but its how many carbs per meal is the key. For example: Im reading from the diet sheet she gave me. Im 41 220lbs and only 5"3..I can have 45 carbs each meal and 15carbs for snacks. I can only have 1600 calories a day. The carbs total up to 165 per day. She states must of the time people have about that many carbs per meal. So a small apple wouldn't hurt. Hope this helps.  
26 feb 16 door lid: titowall36
Hey Redgirl, we all have things that motivated us to lose weight, sustained weight loss maintenance and health may require different motivations or just continued vigilance using the same motivations. I was for sure "scared" of getting type II diabetis through my poor food choices in the evening (like others in my family), I do eat carbs and sweets now but try to offset with exercise asap before or after, still careful but not so worried. When I have a big oops (I have a terrible sweet tooth) its once in a blue moon, not a habit like before...hope that you find a lifestyle balance like Mahjohn, Jim (and others here) that works for you! 
26 feb 16 door lid: Steven Lloyd
What I do its enjoy my new way of eating and we'll I think about other things like exercise or getting other activities, we can not be afraid cause we know what we want I want to continue my goal and you guys?  
26 feb 16 door lid: zydone
I think it should be how the carbs make us fill for example, me some rolls...but yet it leaves me bloated and full and wanting more and I stay away from bread...bad carb for me...certain foods like sauté onions will trigger my sweet tooth...On the other hand our latest snacks has been apple in low fat yogurt, which we share...and it is satisfying...and I consider it healthy..So, it may take me longer to reach my goals, and I get down when I don't see a change, but what is the other wrong foods...feel WORSE!! Just concentrate on what you can do today, and how you feel today... YOU have come so far...great journey!! 
26 feb 16 door lid: BeaugezD
Beaugez, I love what you just said,, I apple does make me feel good and so does hummus and bread doesnt.. Majohn and Steven, very great points.. I def feel like the nutritionist and I are not on the same page.. and its my fault prolly .. I need to speak up ..  
26 feb 16 door lid: redgirl1974
The apple brings other benefits as well as a few calories. Be grateful you can digest one! 
26 feb 16 door lid: Gastro Patient
titowall36-- If I ate that many carbs my blood sugar would go sky high. The lower my carbs are the better I feel. Your doctor must be going by the ADA requirements. That doesn't work for me. Just look at the dietdoctor site. LCHF is keeping my blood in the good range and I'm starting to lose weight. Good Luck. 
26 feb 16 door lid: dboza
I can totally relate to the fear of putting the weight back on. FFS, I did once before and the thought of ballooning back up is terrifying. I'm afraid of carbs because I'm addicted to them and I don't think it's an irrational fear. I remember how easy it was to let go and fall right back into the self-destructive eating habits that caused me to reach 400+ pounds. People that think they're fat when they've put on an extra twenty have no idea what it's like to be morbidly obese. You've got to go there to know there and I don't ever want to find myself there again. I think it's perfectly normal to be scared, and I'm really grateful to Majohn for leading by example. I posted a similar journal entry last week and he gave me the same advice, which I intend to embrace and implement going forward. Consistently weighing in is probably a good idea so that you can address any trends before they become a problem.  
26 feb 16 door lid: 1point21gigawatts
@titowall36 if after 30days your blood sugar is still not under 100, you're eating too many carbs. 
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
Mahjohn, I am eating around 1000 calories a day, staying very low on carbs, exercising at least 5 days a week (usually more) and feel like I'm maintaining. Suggestions PLEASE! Want to get to 130ish! 
26 feb 16 door lid: Rckc
I think for me it ends up being about what type of carbs I add...for example, I can do fruits at times, or sweet potato, or some other higher carb veggies. If I introduce wheat and yeast as in bread, crackers, or other baked goods - the carb monster takes control! I am not afraid of carbs but I know how crappy my body feels when I eat the starchy crap. I have found low carb alternatives I actually enjoy eating (Paleo Wraps and Flax crackers). And, there will be times when I just go have a carb spike day and eat pasta or rice or some starch. I know myself and generally I will fall back to my healthy routine fairly quickly now - but it wasn't always that way. 
26 feb 16 door lid: HCB
@Rckc...quit running so much, your steady state running is what is doing you in. You are training your body to be energy efficient, to burn as little calories as possible. If you want to run and use running for weight loss, you need to sprint. Add in sprint sessions every other day, instead of daily ground pounding at the same speed. Sprinting requires a greater amount of power and energy output. 
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
Thanks mahjong. I'm going to weigh and measure on the first and try to shake things up. Also, what do you think of the body comp machines? the gym has one and I did it for free in September. They recommended do it again at 6 months but it costs $75. is it accurate? Opinion please! Thanks so much for all your help! 
26 feb 16 door lid: Rckc
If it is a "Bod Pod", they're accurate, no more so than a $13 pair of calipers, for Women a 3-position measurement at a minimum (hard to do on your own), for men...1-position. If you have a fabric tape measure...I'd skip the $75 fee and take measurements. Calf, mid-thigh, hips (right at crotch level..typically the widest point),waist at widest, waist at narrowest, chest, upper arm, midway between armpit and elbow. With those numbers in hand, any drop in body fat will show itself as a loss in one or more of those locations. The more measurements you keep, the more you'll be able to account for body composition changes and any stall in weight loss. Inbox me your height and current body fat %, I'll take a look to see where you can realistically get given natural increase in fat storage as you age. 
26 feb 16 door lid: mahjohn
HCB, are you still losing? BC what your doing kinda sounds like what Ive been sorta doing ..  
26 feb 16 door lid: redgirl1974


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