HerStrawberri's Logboek, 14 nov 11

**RAYOR** Serious ranting ahead...and some of it's not nice.

Blah. I've had a headache for like 3 weeks now. I *think* it's because I've been eating more carbs. In an effort to bring up my cals, I'm adding things that just ARENT good for my body. I've been trying everything to get rid of them, ( the headaches) and nothing is working. I'm thinking it has to be the carbs. This week I'm going back to my basics. back to where I first started this journey. Hopefully once I get the crap out of my body my headaches will start going away. I feel like I did before i started my eating plan. yes, I'm still losing weight, but eating this crap is just NOt worth it for me. i wish i could be like others who can eat carbs and feel good, but i can't. YUCK. I was just trying to bring up my cals...and i read all of these food diarys with carbs and people still losing weight. i thought i would give it a try...as long as my cals were still within my range. Not such a good idea. I've given it a fair go and now it's time to go back to my low carb eating.

I received an email last week from someone telling me that i focus too much on losing 'lbs' and that I push others to focus on that too. That I should be focusing on 'being healthy' and it shouldn't matter how many actual 'lbs' I lose. UMMMMmmmm.....ok. let me respond to that.

I have ALOT of weight to lose and if I want to focus on how many freaking POUNDS I lose...that SO F'N WHAT. This persons highest weight was 1freakin50. OK, so maybe to her she is a big fat person, but I REALLY AM A FREAKIN FAT PERSON!!!! Try weighing 375 and then tell me I focus to much on losing actual freaking lbs!! I don't even get that. I'm not even going to try. This person is NOT my friend and has NEVER commented on ANY of my journals. I checked. SO MISS 150....kiss my big fat AZZ. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm being to harsh. This is my freaking journal. My feelings got really hurt when i first read that email/PM. NOW I'm just mad.

I try really hard to support others on here. i know how hard it is to lose weight when you don't have a support system. I'm sory to ANYONE I may have made feel bad or for focusing to much on the 'lbs'. I just wanted to say that, in case I really have done that. That was never my intention and I'm sorry if I came across that way.

Anyway, that's all i have right now.


LOL...i think this is the most comments I have ever had on one journal! I felt like I was scrolling forever! LOL...My BDAY is DEC 2, my sis is DEC 13 and my neice is DEC 15. When my sis and I were young, we always had shared bday parties and we also had the bday/christmas gift thing happen. Hated that!! Thank you so much for your comment brittney! It's good to see you back! Don't let others stupidity get you down. We are glad you're back!! 
15 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
I haven't read all the other comments but I can't help but wonder if I know who this person is who sent you that PM...lol!! You gotta PM me who it is girl. That's so weird this person got that impression about you, I've never felt you are "too" focused on lbs, nor have I thought you pushed others to be. Interesting thoughts on the carbs/headache thing. I've started back eating carbs since I switched to the Spike Diet & I've noticed headaches more often too, though I suspect that has more to do with sugar than all carbs. I could definitely do better with that. Not this week though...I'm sick so I get to eat what I want, lol! Luv u hun. 
15 nov 11 door lid: kstubblefield
Kat~ I sent you a PM. I lump all sugar related food into 'carbs'. But you are right, sugar does play a huge part in my migraines. I hope you start feeling better soon!!  
16 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
I wonder if the person who sent you the PM even looked at you weight history graph. That thing goes straight down! So where in the hell do they come off saying how you need to focus on being healthy? I swear the nerve of some people. I have 100% faith in you, Dawn. And I must say, you have done an AMAZING job so far getting to where you are at now, so anyone who says or thinks otherwise can go pound sand. xxoo 
16 nov 11 door lid: Jpsfunkymojo
Hi Dawn, You know - I totally get what you're saying. I said the same thing on one of my journals and got a comment to stop focusing on the number - that it didn't matter. What mattered is my health, etc. And I posted on a subsequent journal that YES, the number on the scale is ONE way to keep tabs on what you're doing. To me? An important one. And the at least in MY case, I happen to KNOW what I look like at a certain number with this current fitness level. So when I deviate from that number, I get upset. And dammit, it's cause I KNOW that it's fat I'm putting on - not more muscle. I have a lot of muscle. Especially for a woman my age. A lot. And at times I wish I could just move some of the fat around - I could really use some in my face. :D But it doesn't work that way. And unless and until it DOES work that way, then the scale is a MIGHTY important number to me. I know how I look at my desired weight and I know how I look when I'm not at that weight. So screw 'em!  
16 nov 11 door lid: redwinelover
That skinny girl doesn't know how we feel. Forget her! You are doing great. I have not been here in a long time and just got back to the forum and the first thing I did, honestly, was look you up. You are such a motivator and I love reading about your journey. I am back now and I am still one of your cheerleaders. You help me keep going so forget the skinny bitch hun, DO YOU :) 
17 nov 11 door lid: moonlight1631
Dawn- You never offend me. I love your encouragement, and we encourage each other in the same way. We are doing what works for us and that is all that matters. 
17 nov 11 door lid: serafano
JPS~ Thank you so much! I thought losing weight to become more healhty WAS focusing on being healhty?? LOL...maybe I'm wrong though...LOL 
17 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
Dory~ Thank you so much hun! I know you totally understand by what you write in your journals. =) BTW...i saw your 'hot pirate' pic and you look so GOOD!!! You are going to blow all those other wiveas away when you go to that party!! =) 
17 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
moon~ Thank you so much! It really means alot to me when someone says I help them with their motivation. i have been in the darkest places and have come out still kickin. I just want people to know that they CAN DO THIS...no matter where you are in your weight loss journey or your mental state. Feeling alone and like you don't have any support is a terrible feeling. I try to encourage as best I can. lately it has been lacking because I have been busy, but I'm still trying! I'm so glad you are back!!! YOU CAN DO THIS GIRL!!!!! 
17 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
Sera~ I'm SO happy that I haven't offended you. I just get excited when others are doing so good and want to cheer them on!! =)That might sound weird or stupid, but I really do! There are certian people I check up on...and you are high on that list. i just want everyone to feel good about themselves and just keep trying. =) 
17 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
I don't think its weird cuz I do the same thing! Some people don't understand that we have to use our weight to reach our mini goals. For us, it takes much longer to see results, our clothes don't get looser after only losing 10 pounds. I only now actually see visible differences after losing 50 pounds. So in order for us to stay motivated we need the scale so we can see progress. Everyone has their own way to lose weight and get healthy and no one way is the right way, we have to do what works for us, and people who disagree need to mind their own business. We are not here to put each other down.  
17 nov 11 door lid: serafano
I was like that too. For a long time actually. I'm really tall, 5'11, and I have to lose alot of weight before you can see a difference. I don't think I noticed a diff until i had lost like 75 lbs. I totally agree with needing the loss on the scale to help motivate. I really think that if I hadn't had that, i wouldn't be where I am now. When your really big, you need all the motivation you can get! =)  
17 nov 11 door lid: HerStrawberri
People focus on what they need to succeed. All I have to do is look at your graph, and I can say that what ever you are doing is working!!! You have almost lost 100 lbs. That is only 50 lbs less then what this chick weighs. If you think about it, in another while, you will have lost an entire HER. I don't understand why some people who are on this site criticize what others are doing, it is an individual experience, and even though we share our thoughts and feelings on this site, to be honest we are not sharing them all. Each of us are fighting our own mini battles/demons every day, and how dieting practice will reflect that. If you want to focus on lbs lost THEN DO IT :) a smaller number always works well in my brain. You are doing so wonderful in your journey. You have come so bloody far, and you are looking amazing. Keep it up girl, whatever you are counting/focusing on. 
18 nov 11 door lid: Jennifer2010
I understand what you're saying.. You kno where you want to be and how you feel and what you need to focus on.. I'm used to bein 153 i got up to as high as 190.. Thats alot to me.. other people make it seem like its not that much because i look "thin" to them because I'm tall and gain so evenly.. Its not about their opinion and what they think.. we know what we look like under our clothes and how we feel in our skin.. Girl don't stress.. ((I would of been mad too)) But if you think about it.. you losing POUNDS is being healthy!  
18 nov 11 door lid: Jayjaycakez
Ok lots of comments here but I was wondering if perhaps you are allergic to glueten--since carbs and that go hand in hand--maybe that is a cause? Sorry about the not so cool fan mail--congrats on nearing 100! 
23 nov 11 door lid: agirlfromminnesota


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