redgirl1974's Logboek, 09 nov 16

what a sad sad day for our country.. no post today.. to bummed out .

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I stayed up til 2AM watching the results. I am in shock and disbelief. But I refuse to give up on the goodness of the American people even tho this election has brought out some ugly sentiments that truly disappointed me. *sigh*   
09 nov 16 door lid: rhontique
It will be strange times ahead for all you guys in the good old USA! 
09 nov 16 door lid: autoplas
I'm going to celebrate!!!! Yeh! 
09 nov 16 door lid: juliekari65
People feel they all can now say, 'hey, it's ok to hate these people simply because they look different or stepped over our imaginary lines in the sand.' They want to be bullies and jackoffs without consequence. If that's what they need to make themselves feel better, let them have it. At least we know we can feel good about ourselves without having to push others down.  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
Juliekare65 is perfect example. She has been a member since June, 2016. Never logged anything. Yet, sees you're upset and now feels this compulsion to post a contradictory comment as if to exacerbate your feelings...  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
This is why I refuse to discuss politics or religion with anyone outside immediate family. Nothing ruins friendships faster. Read an article today about how some people are actually "unfriending" each other on Facebook just because of who they voted for. Sad. The fact is life will go on just as it did yesterday, the day before that, the year before that, the decade before that, the century before that. To stress yourself out to that level over something like this? It's not worth giving that much power over yourself, hun. Find a nice, calm center and be well love! 
09 nov 16 door lid: Roobert
Yes, I've always found it odd how friends and family will part over people who don't even know they exist....  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
And maybe women who are raped should also learn to dress better..?? If Redgirl wants to speak her mind, she should be able to speak her mind without being attacked by random members. Nothing in the TOS states no politics. However, sadly, yes, taking it down because jackoffs can't resist being jackoffs is the only way to avoid it.... 
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
Almost a majority of American voters just let a master con artist run the biggest bait and switch in history. First thing they're going to do is write a budget that cuts taxes down to 15%, use the "shortfall" to justify gutting "entitlements". Bye-bye Obamacare, Social Security, Medicare, & Medicaid. Then they will "restructure" the tax code to favor the top 1% and corporations, in the name of "growth for all", trickle down on steroids. Then they will turn to the Supreme Court and Executive Orders to undo every "liberal" social issue of the last century. But hey, guns and stuff. 
09 nov 16 door lid: @philrmcknight
My comment looks out of context with others deleted now :P Phil, you're so right with 'almost a majority' because Trump did not get elected by the people. He did not have the majority vote. And in at least one state, where the majority vote was for his opponent, an electoral vote still went to Trump. It's a corrupt system. Anyway, the sun will still rise.... even if we aren't able to see it under the clouds of war...  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
pickles, thanks for sticking up for me. Im too bummed today out bc my husband is a immigrant (legal) and Im not so worried about the new president bc i have some faith in our 3 branches of government. Im sure he cant just run lose with out any oversight but what bothers me is people like juliekari65 who are cheering and celebrating the fact that our country is divided by racist and bigots who dont care if my husband works two jobs, supports 4 kids and has put 2 thru college, pays his taxes, has never had so much as a parking ticket and always pays our bills early. Bc all they will see is a last name, or hear an accent.. and judge and discriminate with out even knowing who we are..I dont feel safe anymore.. and I know this isnt diet related but stress causes me to "worry" eat... I did it all thru the election last night and I feel gross about it... I wanna be like Rhontique and I still hope and pray there are still some good people out there...  
09 nov 16 door lid: redgirl1974
and anyone of my buddies who want to "make america great again" can unfriend me now please. I have no time for your crap and dont care to hear about it..  
09 nov 16 door lid: redgirl1974
Trump ran his campaign by making people fearful - afraid of foreigners. It's manipulative and crude. I'm sad too. That's not making America great, that's engendering fear and hatred. Now he talks about everyone coming together - really? Under his leadership and the now power-controlling Republicans? The hard work of the Dems these past few years will be dismantled, and we can watch progress on health care, civil rights and the economy slipping down the drain. And watch out women, soon the government (those enlightened old white guys in DC) is going to be making your reproductive decisions for you! I'm just so sad that so many Americans think this is all OK. He's a flim flam man (and a preditor) who knows how to close a deal; - but run a government that serves the needs of all people? I guess we'll see what he can do. Keep an eye on who's advising him. 
09 nov 16 door lid: erikahollister
Preaching to the choir :) Even before all this election nonsense, things were rough.. They're gonna still be rough, but now... "justified" because it's 'making america great again'.. I've pretty much always thought this was a great place.. or at least better than many out there.... but it seems that by 'making america great' they really white wash a bit...? anyway.... for some of them it's pretty sad.. I mean, how pathetic can someone's life be that they'll sabotage themselves, their own country, their own lives, simply so they have the right to be bigots.... well, it is what it is...  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
not just for your country, for the world... 
09 nov 16 door lid: puhpine1
just fyi, anyone who wants to make fun of me or my situation, your mean and nasty comments are going to be deleted. Already deleted a few and that goes to show I have every reason to feel they way I do bc hateful people are out there... Not needed.. Im expressing my concerns only and not attacking any one in any way so show the same respect...  
09 nov 16 door lid: redgirl1974
I can't decide which I prefer now.... being oblivious to the fact that so many people hid their racism, hatred and how they really felt towards us while smiling in our faces... or... now actually knowing who is who....  
09 nov 16 door lid: PicklesPickles
ah politics and support for weight loss, goes together like peanutbutter and tuna. that aside. i hope all goes well for you and your personal struggle/issues redgirl. 
09 nov 16 door lid: gswizzle
@PicklesPickles..You are part of the problem..what's up with the name calling..Just remember when your pointing and calling people jackoff's there are 3 fingers pointing back at you.. 
09 nov 16 door lid: pjoeeoj
This is a site for weight loss..It is a place where we are supposed to build each other up.not put them down.what difference does it make how many posts a person makes or who they voted for.This is no place for trash talk..There is a place for that it's called Facebook 
09 nov 16 door lid: pjoeeoj


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