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20 september 2015

Ack I took my vivofit off to do some really messy stuff with raw meat and forgot to put it back on. I have gone more than half the day without counting steps! :O *runs off to find it!*

Ok well, been a busy day, had to bust kids heads together because again they were fighting. I did not physically hurt them but I did ground them both. a 16 yr old without her phone is not a pretty thing when she has a BF. Been an ugly day for that.

It looks like summer is departing Maine in a hurry. The temp dropped 20 degrees from near 80s to the almost 60s, I think we may have seen mid 60s for a high but that is a seriously fast chang. Means I need to pick up the pace on finishing the reno. Still I work better when it is cooler. Tomorrow less interruptions with fighting kids and maybe I will have the LR fully primed and that ceiling finished. RIIIIGHT! THat was supposed to happen today. But with kids in their furor, DH decided to come home early from the warehouse and we DIY'd our shoe bench. Cost about $5 in screws and sandpaper. The rest was reclaimed materials from the tear out of the unlevel floor in the game room. No pics ATM camera is at the warehouse working on making $$.

19 september 2015

19 september 2015

Up and soon off for an early morning walk. Ok, well I was hoping too in the 3 mins I have been up my DD gets up and gets me torqued up over the fleas and the fact that she is out of bed at 6 am on a Saturday morning... Really a 16 yr old up before 6 am says she has been reading since 5... as if I had slept since my DH found a live flea in our bed last night. *shudders* Worst part is I went shopping yesterday evening for more foggers as we are still finding the darn buggers and it is frustrating because everyone near us is sold out of every brand. So I had to order them, I have too much to do to drive back and forth to the city to hope to get some. I combed Miss Ripley again and found 5 more live ones with a collar on her. Add to this that I cannot leave for my walk because if I do DH will get up and be aggravated that he feels he needs to be up early because we have trust issues mostly with DS but no need adding fuel and bad enough that my plans have been changed, I do not need DH grousing at her too. Been to much stress with the fleas and DS being a pistol I am not adding more to PO the old fart. Part of the reason I got up early is to not only walk but at least have some me time as I have not had any really since we got home. Seeing I was not sleeping anyway figured no better time. Boy was I wrong. *BANGS HEAD IN FRUSTRATION* Been a week full of frustration.

I will take my walk once DH gets up of his own accord. So for now I will set out goals (some with assistance) for today. Focus and move on. Think positive. Conquer the problem.

- walk min 60 mins.
- vacuum entire house (DD helping)
- finish sanding woodwork (took over an hour to find the sander and sandpaper yesterday)
- sand drywall after finding drywall sanding block :P did not discover it yesterday
- comb cat intermittently ( have I mentioned how much combing the belly is not permitted?)
- have patience with things I cannot fully control including my kids ( I may need prayers for the strength to manage this one as I have been losing it all morning.)

18 september 2015

Ok late in posting today because DH wanted to go shopping for the polyurethane for the floors and then that turned into 3 hrs. :O and alot more shopping. GO figure. We need to stop spending money. Sometimes it feels like we have an agenda to keep the economy going ourselves. SMH

DS snuck his tablet last night and I missed checking for them. It was on the charger in the business and the cat was sleeping after all her exhaustion and I do not like to lock her in only a potty available right now keeping food and water out and getting her used to the new permanent place for it. It was in the shop for the summer during the reno but the kitchen is functioning so no excuses not to slowly make adjustments, but we do not keep the doors open in the winter once we turn on the heat to save $$ on heating the entry hall/mudroom etc... If we save enough money with all the insulation we might keep it open but we need to make the adjustment to closed as easy as possible for her. Also not allowing her upstairs until this epidemic of fleas is over. I still found some on her. *grumbles something unladylike under my breath*

Waiting on the neem to arrive. I hope it is good and does the job also hope it does not stink as bad as I have read.

I am off to sand the woodwork and a few places that needed touched up on the wall board then a priming I will go.

Will see how my back feels if I can manage walking today. Yesterday did not happen I just sat with a padded massager on the bad spot and then slept ok, I did take some Aleeve in the evening and turmeric and cinnamon before bed. Feel better this morning. But I am sure working will agitate it.

On another note today is a milestone I have now lost 55 lbs the reason this is a big deal because that is halfway to my goal weight!

GOALS: keeping it simple!
- sanding
- priming ceiling, walls, woodwork - started
- stay on plan
- cook dinner
- rest in the evening
- walk (maybe depends on pain levels)

17 september 2015

I decided after going back to the farmers market to get the freezing done. Just so I did not make dust and get it all over the food and make more work. Also still dealing with the flea infestation. The worst if it is over just alot of cleaning after bombs and such. Not keen on chemicals around us or our pets. Ordered some neem but not willing to wait on it to get here to hope that is great a cure as I am hoping for. I bombed the shop this morning and the downstairs last night, covering the counters with towels beforehand. Swept and vacuumed every room in the downstairs including the shop before bombing it at 10 am because we had to be clear of it for 2 hrs and it opens at noon. Mostly because we were still finding live fleas. So, timed it right. now the fans are going and all that fun stuff.

Ripley, got a bath in DAwn dishwashing liquid, from what I have learned Dawn will kill fleas on contact, even better is it actually gets through Ripley's very oily coat, Maine Coons are near waterproof. I then washed her in her deshedding and detangling shampoo and conditioner, it is a yearly event we had not done this summer because of the reno so another item off my list before the heat goes and that is coming soon 80s through the end of the week then 60s and 70s for a week then likely moving to the 60s and these are daytime temps. She is now avoiding me because I want to brush her out as she dries and it aids in getting her dry.

Washed 3 loads of laundry and hubby brought home another from the warehouse. :P I think I have washed/dried/folded 15 loads of laundry in the past 3 days.

As for me down another lb.... *happy dance* very much back on track this week and I feel so much better. Save the muscle cramps between my shoulder from too much time working at the counter. Been stretching a lot and I am still cramping and yes I have been taking my magnesium and calcium without fail.

No walk today thus far maybe this evening. But I am at a wear myself out pace so I am not sure it will matter. Been up since 6:30 am and already have 5500 steps with no walk.

Anyway, off and running again the pumpkin is coming out of the oven and the roasted pumpkin seed are cooled. And that corn is not going to shuck itself. I have a new trick to try for that so hoping it works and is quick too.
Cool, Corn life hack. Not that I am crazy about microwaving them to death but I am going to try boiling it and seeing if that works anything to make my life easier and I will let you know if that works as well.

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