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12 januari 2011

Patience . . .

Had to remind myself that I'm the square peg that does NOT fit in this round hole! 3 days of working out & just over a week of eating below maintenance doesn't warrant any cause for frustration. What works for others doesn't work for me. When I workout, I always have a significant up flux on the scale (even w/ LOTS of water, protein & stretching). Now that I've said that to myself, I can move on.

Wishing school would start already! I'm not exactly idle or without plenty to do, but I think I'm just overly excited to get this last semester done & get a schedule going that incorporates everything. Any schedule I make now is useless b/c things change day to day & then school will start on the 24th & that's going to be interesting w/ all the conflicting schedules in my house.

Gym planned for later since I took yesterday off to let my muscles relax. Guess that means I could use the free time I have this morning to look into other weight lifting workouts. I guess if I want to do any bench pressing, deadlifts, & barbell squats I'll have to do them at home.

Can't believe it's only Wed. I'm looking forward to this weekend b/c we're going grocery shopping. Definitely need it. In need of veggies & food in general. Should probably think of recipes to make before shopping so I can suggest things to get.

Enough random rambling . . .

11 januari 2011

Mon 1/10/11 Workout & BMF Totals:

Elliptical: 35 mins, 3 min warm up, 5 min cool down, intervals w/ resistance 18 for 1 min & 1 for 2 mins, ave HR 193 & max HR 200, 2.64mi (machine cal readout 447)

Treadmill: 35 mins, 3 min warm up @ 3mph & 5 min cool down @ 2mph, intervals w/ incline 10 @ 3.5 & 4mph for 1.5 mins (alternating) & no incline @ 2.5 & 3mph for 2 mins (alternating), ave HR 183 & max HR 192, 1.77mi (machine cal readout 337.8)

Bicep curl machine: 3 sets/ w/ 12/10/8 reps @ 20lbs
Shoulder press machine: 3 sets w/ w/ 12/8/8 reps @ 20lbs
Leg Press: 3 sets w/ 15 rep @ 100lbs
Calf Raises: 3 sets w/ 15 reps @ 25/40/55lbs

BMF Totals:
Cals Burned: 3717
Cals Consumed: 2188
Cal Deficit: 1526
Physical Activity - Moderate: 49 mins & Vigorous: 52 mins
Steps Taken: 13,202

Total Miles for the day: 5.91mi

Super sore today (didn't stretch, I know, bad me). IF it doesn't start raining then I'm going to swim laps today. Even that'll be a challenge for my body at this point. But if it does rain, then I get the day off. Need to figure out on my own a new weight lifting program as the machines upstairs are NOT going to accommodate the 12 wk program I was doing before. That really pisses me off, but there's not much else I can do. So I'll be working on that & hopefully starting that up next Mon. The whole weight lifting situation at my gym ALMOST makes me want to get a 2nd gym membership so that it's no longer an issue (plus I'd have 24 hr access).

09 januari 2011

Short journal for tonight b/c I just got back from the gym & I need to eat & hope in the shower before I freeze!!

Swam laps for the first time since early '06 (I think). As a swimmer, that's a LONG time to be away from my love. I swam for 1.5 hrs w/ resistance gloves & training fins to make it a harder workout & got 78 laps in (once upon a time 100 laps in an hour was nothing). Had to finally quit b/c my calf finally went into full cramp & it just wasn't going to go away no matter how much I massaged it.

Still felt amazing. I'm SUPER sore, esp my upper body. Can't wait to do it again. = D

Missed out on the hot tub b/c apparently right before closing is when everyone gets in. There were probably 15 guys & 3 girls. I took enough of them watching me the whole time that I opted out of getting in w/ them. A regular gym, no big. College gym, can't deal w/ the immaturity & ignorance that runs rampant in younger people. Next time I guess.

BMF Totals:
Cals Burned: 3235
Cals Consumed: 1369
Cal Deficit: 1866
Physical Activity - Moderate: 99 mins & Vigorous: 6 mins
Steps Taken: 3,540

08 januari 2011

It's been a long day, but a very good day!

Finally feeling better! Actually happened yesterday but I took it easy just to make sure my fever didn't come back. 100% today which was nice after a week of feeling like I had been hit by a mack truck.

So today was my first day back in the gym since early Sept (maybe once in Oct??). I expected to be way out of shape again & hurtin' bad after about 30 mins; esp since my knee was just about done by the end of the semester. Well, pleasant surprised that I had one kickass workout lasting 105 mins!

Elliptical: 35 mins, HIIT w/ resistance 1-low 18-high, ave HR 186 & max HR 192 (machine cal readout 443 cals)

Horizontal Stationary Bike: 35 mins, HIIT w/ resistance 1-low, 18,19,20-high (during each 10 min set), ave HR 178 & max HR 188 (machine cal readout 147 cals)

Treadmill: 35 mins, warm up 5 mins 0 incline @ 3.5 mph, HIIT w/ incline 10 @ 3.5 mph for 1.5 mins each & incline 0 @ 2.5 mph, cool down 5 min 0 incline @ 2.0 mph, 1.68 mi, ave HR 181 & max HR 188 (machine cal readout 320.3 cals)

The ball of my feet hurt like a mofo, I bashed my left knee into the computer monitor on the bike twice which skinned it quite well through my pants & I can only imagine will be a nice bruise in the next few days, but I feel great & worn out enough to go to bed now.

I found that I can zero out the exercise info on here & put in my daily BMF calories burned info in there, so that's what I'm going to do from now on each following day instead of not entering exercise at all so that I can show my deficits.

Finally, BMF info as of 10:04pm: *EDIT @ 11:02AM*
Cals Burned: 4044
Cals Consumed: 1920
Cal Deficit: 2124
Physical Activity - Moderate: 72 mins & Vigorous: 40 mins
Steps Taken: 16,580

Time to take some melatonin, put on a movie & snuggle in bed. If my feet are still hurting tomorrow I'm going to just swim laps. Got a HIIT workout for swimming as well & the pool is perfect temp for this freezing weather.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend thus far = D

PS- I promise to start commenting more again (been overwhelmed w/ all the journal reading I've been catching up on)

06 januari 2011

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