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19 mei 2014

Day 22 of the Whole30. I have 8 more days technically (even though I'll probably carry on a few more since it's not too much of a hassle now). I'm not having anymore weird energy spikes, cravings aren't that bad even when I'm around them, and I haven't had any non-allergy related headaches in over a week. The only thing I've had issues with is wanting to eat junk (fast food and sugar) when I'm emotional. Mostly when I'm angry. I'm dealing with the fact that I have to face my emotions, deal with them, get over them, and then move on. I can't put a sugar coated bandaid on them anymore.

I officially quit my part time job on Friday after being dumped on again. So now I have so much more time for meal prep and planning. Also, because I have been buying meat in bulk when it's on sale it looks like I won't have to buy over $20 in groceries this week. I just need some yams/sweet potatoes, some mix-in veggies for eggs (like spinach or mushrooms), and some compliant bacon or sausage if I can find it.

Now that I quit my part time job I can go to my Union meeting at the end of the month. My Union had a lot of it's tech employees let go (over 90) over the past few months without any warning and pretty much nonexistent severance packages which concerns everybody. Fortunately, the people let go all have better jobs now (some making double what they were making here) but no explanation has been given to date as to why everyone was let go. We're also negotiating our new contract right now and are demanding increased financial protections for any employee released on grounds not related to performance issues. Of course our employer doesn't want to give those to us. So, needless to say, I'm relieved I can attend now.

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!

16 mei 2014

Today is Day 19 of the Whole30. Everything has been okay. The cravings haven't been that bad. The main issue now is working two jobs almost every weekday and not having enough time in the day to get to the gym and cook most days. I try to batch cook but there's only so much room in my apartment sized refrigerator to store it all. Too often I'm eating a Larabar for breakfast and eggs for supper. Yesterday I just swung by Whole Foods and dropped $14 on a rotisserie chicken (I have to get it there because all of the other grocery stores add sugar to them) just so I could avoid eating eggs for supper.

My main stressor right now isn't my diet, it's work. I'm thinking of putting my notice in for my part time job. I've only had it for about 2.5 months, which makes me feel guilty for taking it in the first place. The extra $300-400 is nice and pretty much goes directly to my student loans but I think I might be able to squeak by for a few months until I can move to a cheaper apartment.

It'd make it easier if the job was what was described to me when I took it. I was supposed to just hand out packages at an apartment for 2.5 hours after work two or three days a week. It's turned into an almost every day event and now I'm not only handling packages but also in charge of running a new tracking system that nobody else contributes to, watering plants and feeding animals when their owners are out of town, delivering packages and notices (and I live in MN so this means walking in ice/snow, pouring rain, or 100 degree weather depending on the day), handling incoming invoices, putting in work orders, monitoring contractors and making sure they have the keys and turn them back in, handing out notice to vacates, etc. Basically, it's way more than I signed on for. If it was in a field that was even remotely interesting to me, it'd probably be different.

I think I'm going to hand in my keys tonight after my shift. I really don't even want to go in today but I'd feel bad for the girl working if she had plans she had to cancel. All I can think now is that I'm sooo glad I can relax a bit now and not be so thinly stretched.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

12 mei 2014

Good morning FS! Today is Day 15 on Whole30, which makes me half way done. I feel fantastic. I've never slept better in my life. I've noticed that the blackheads (gross, I know!) on my nose, which I've honestly had since I was FIVE YEARS OLD have started to go away. This really makes me think that I did have some long standing food allergies that haven't been addressed. I did have some issues with dairy as a baby and my doctor put me on goat milk instead, so maybe I didn't actually grow out of it like my mom thought... She started giving it to me when I was a toddler and didn't notice anything really significant and I never thought about it again until now.

I haven't had any headaches, crazy non-plan compliant cravings, stomach distress, anxiety issues, or anything like that. Basically, I've been completely normal since Friday. I do miss just being able to order things that I normally would without having to really examine ingredients but I think that's normal with any change of habit. And I still miss Coke Zero and Diet Coke. I think I'll be like a smoker in that respect (even though I've never smoked), no matter how long I give it up, I will think about it pretty regularly.

I've been slimming down a decent amount in my thighs and stomach. I've also started to crave healthier food. The strangest thing I've craved is eggs over easy with avocado. That's been my go to meal lately. It's super quick, easy to fix, and fairly affordable compared to anything else I'm eating.

I'm getting better and quicker at meal prep so that's not too much of an issue anymore. I'm also getting used to cleaning my kitchen everyday since before this whole thing started I never actually used it! I am still spending significantly more at the grocery store. I'm still having to buy seasonings, herbs, and other things that enhance the flavor of the dishes but aren't necessarily the main part of the dish. I'm hoping that once

Even shopping at Whole Foods and Trader Joe's I'm having a hard time finding organic AND free range/pasture raised meat. I typically buy whatever was pasture raised before organic just because I feel like that makes more of a difference in the taste and texture. I used to not like the taste of meat at all and would add all sort of sauces and dressings to it but pasture raised makes all the difference! I actually like the taste of baked chicken. I buy whatever pieces are on sale (found some at Sam's Club this weekend that ended up being $2/lb for pasture raised breast meat!) and make it go farther by making sure all my dishes or veggie heavy.

Looking at the calendar, I think I'll make 05/30 my last day on Whole30, which will then become a Whole33. I'll post my weight and final thoughts on that date as well (or on 05/31 if I forget :) ). I plan on having a glass of red wine and having a slice of pizza on the 31st and then going back to a clean Paleo way of eating again on 05/02.

I hope everybody has a fantastic week!

09 mei 2014

Today is Day 12 of Week 2. So far I feel fantastic…except that I’m starting to dream about food (even when I'm not asleep). Specifically, my cravings revolve sweets (anything chocolate-y and rich) and diet soda. I haven’t cheated at all. The closest I’ve come to cheating was Wednesday when I went to see a movie. I haven’t been to a movie EVER without getting a giant diet soda. It just didn’t feel right not getting anything and I automatically drifted that way after entering the theater but caught myself before I did anything. Today is difficult because we have carrot and chocolate cake from Sam’s Club for May birthdays. Cake is by far my favorite sweet and the chocolate cake from Sam’s/Wal-Mart is my absolute favorite cake ever. I’m resisting and I leave the office for a meeting at noon so I just have another hour or so to have to stay strong. I CAN DO IT!

The truth is: I am full
I have food to eat if I get hungry
I know I will feel sick to my stomach and get a headache if I cheat
I know that I will gain nothing positive by cheating

The mental part of this diet is the hardest part. Really, after the first week, you get used to having to put more time, work, and thought into your food. What I’ve discovered is how heavily food is engrained into my habits, behaviors, and emotions. I celebrate with food. I commiserate with food. Food has been my friend when no one else was there or understood. Food was my babysitter as a child and my boyfriend as an adult. People might disappoint you but food never will.

Except none of that is really true… Food, and more specifically sugar, may have been my companion but it was definitely an abusive relationship. It robbed me of my energy, self-esteem, good mental health, my immune system, and extra years with friends and family. And despite all those negatives, I still managed to get addicted to it. It’s time sugar and I broke up. We’re not good for each other.

My plan for this weekend is to keep busy. When I have extra time during the day, I’m going to use it well. I will plan, prep, cook, and store my meals for next week. I will make an effort to plan things to do that have nothing to do with food. And most importantly, when my mind starts to linger on what I can’t have or do, I will redirect. I will remind myself of how much better I feel, how much better my skin looks, how I’ve not been bloated or sick to my stomach in weeks, etc, etc. My goal is to stay positive, stay strong, and keep on keeping on!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

05 mei 2014

Week 2 (Day 8) of Whole30 starts today! Days 6 and 7 were much easier to manage since it was the weekend and I had access to a stocked kitchen anytime I was hungry. I ate out once each day over the weekend. Both days I ended up getting a salad since those were the easiest to make Whole30 friendly and the most affordable option. Saturday I had a salad with roasted chicken and avocado and Sunday I had a salad with seared tuna. Both were really good.

I'm going to try my best to keep restaurant dining to a minimum from now on though. I don't mind eating the way I am but, for me, it's really hard to smell pizza or hamburgers and not eat one. I have a very sensitive sense of smell (I can tell what kind of filling is in a jelly doughnut or what sort of cheese is being sliced in another room just by smell), which makes it even more intense when I dine out. Plus, both salads had bread that came out with them that wasn't listed on the menu. Fortunately, I was able to put the bread on my friend's plate both times. Out of sight, out of reach, out of mind!

Days 6, 7, and 8 have all been fantastic. I've had a ton of energy. I've been waking up before my alarm clock. I'm starting to get hungry at meal times and snack less during the day. I'm also making a conscious effort to get a good amount of calories in at mealtimes as well. After a life of dieting it's hard to realize that I need to eat over 300 calories all at once but it does make a huge difference.

Normally I would weigh-in today (Monday is my usual weigh-in day) but I'm going to wait until I'm done with the 30 days. So I should be weighing in on 03/28. I can tell already that I've lost a ton of water weight from around my neck, ankles and stomach. I'm not bloating as much. I'd estimate that I've already lost about .5 inch from each thigh. Before I could wear a tighter shirt with looser pants or a looser shirt with tighter pants. Now I can wear anything together. I haven't lost an entire dress size or anything, but I've definitely lost some inches everywhere.

Meal planning, shopping, and a good bit of cooking happens Sunday after church. I still had enough meat to get me through the week from the trip last week to Whole Foods, so this week was making sure I had emergency snacks for when I'm at work and to keep in my purse. Emergency snacks are Apple Pie and Cashew Cookie Larabars, raw almonds, or dried fruit without added sugar. I try not eat these unless I absolutely have to. The guide says to eat only if you are truly hungry so if I feel like I would eat steamed fish and broccoli then I can have a snack. To be honest though, whenever I'm too low on calories for the day, I'll eat a Larabar or a few dried figs/dates.

Anyway, that's where I'm at to date. I'll probably do updates on Mondays and Fridays until the 30 days are finished. It lets me gets some perspective on how I was actually feeling after the fact. Hope everyone has a fantastic week!

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