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17 oktober 2016

Okay. not going to freak out. There were extenuating circumstances for today. I had three apts. back to back which meant i was eating on the go (never a good thing for me). and, i got some of my calculations wrong for my eat out meal. but let's face it, that was just today so...

Let's look at what's great. results from my blood tests last week were fab..u..lussss! My A1C was 6.7! That is the lowest i've ever been since being diagnosed as Diabetic. YESSSS. My cholesterol was 167. sweet. all of my other nutrient levels were normal except my iron which is still a little low. Think it's because i've cut down on red meat. The staff at Sparrow Weight management says i'm doing extremely well and they approved my getting back on surgery track in about three to four weeks. Now, maybe they say that to everyone, but at this point, i don't care. I'm buying in to it hook, line and sinker.

Let's look at what's good. I'm still about 20 lbs lighter than i was when i started this whole thing. I've got the waiting half an hour after you've eaten to drink thing down. I've got the no carbinated beverages down. My water intake is pretty decent. My protein levels are excellent. My exercise regimen is improving every week and i'm starting to...well...tolerate it. My mood is looking up. SAD hasn't gotten a hold of me this season. always a plus in my book.

Now, what needs work. got to get my carb count back in line. I'm way over. Need to work on my fat count too. Working on those 20 min meals and chewing...chewing..chewing. that's a hard one for me. Need to work on making sure i take my meds all the time and not forget until hours later.

Hey. that wasn't so bad. Actually that's pretty good. Hummm, i feel better already. Phew, i avoided the freak out.

A little funny...I think my D. O. was a little perturbed with me. today, i asked her for a referral to Sparrow's diabetes clinic. she kinda sounded snippy when she responded. but i don't think she got what i was saying to her. even though my carb count isn't the best, it has come down significantly from before i started and i'm worried that i'm taking too much insulin now. I've noticed that i'm allot hungrier lately and i've had some low sugar symptoms too. but there's a couple of other things going on as well. I'm seeing the sparrow dr. every week and They're monitoring me more closely than she is. it's getting crazy trying to keep up with her blood tests and theirs so it just makes since to have them coordinate my Diabetes care with my weight loss care. also, she's a nice lady, but she's not so good at the Insulin side of my care. She's a little too hands off for me when it comes to my diabetes care. she's a good D. O., though. and lastely, i'm sorry, but i just hate going to her office. she works out of a clinic type setting. It's allot of Dr's in one place and they've expanded to offering testing, a pharmacy and about thirty other things they're trying to do all out of one office. It's total chaos when i go there. the lobby is like ridiculous and lately, i've had to wait almost an hour to see her. My apt for today was 11:15 and they didn't call me back until 12:15. i almost left because i had another apt at 1:30 at sparrow and i wasn't going to miss it. by the way, sparrow's wait time was only 5 mins from arrival to getting on the scale. So, i hope she wasn't too put out but on the other hand. Oh well. She'll be okay. I mean, she asks me to take all these records of my blood pressure and sugar levels but doesn't ask to see any of them, ever. Ummmm, yeah. Oh well, i did what i needed to do. C'est la vie.

Okay. I'm hungry and it's dinner time so i'm gonna get and i'll be back later. Hope you all had a beautiful, productive happy day. blessings. and thanks for reading...(listening). :)
Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
174,7 kg 5,6 kg 15,9 kg Slecht
   (4 reacties) Gewichtstoename van 1,2 kg per week

16 oktober 2016

Good Evening, F. S.

I hope everyone had a great weekend. Mine was so so. Still getting used to the C-Pap. Didn’t sleep much last night but when I fell into a coma nap this afternoon, I remembered to get my headgear on and actually managed to sleep for three hours straight. When I woke up, my sinus passages were cleared out really well and I felt rested. So I think it’s starting to work. I’m kind of tired right now of course, but this is about bed time. It’s about 8 p.m. here; maybe a little after. I’ve got a big day ahead of me tomorrow. Three dr apts. Back to back so I need to get my meal plan down so I’m ready for tomorrow.

In keeping with the new challenge I joined, I need to set a new goal for the next two weeks and it’s one I kind of never really got the hang of. Plus, it can take the place of the mini goal that I don’t do on the challenge I’m currently on for the last two weeks of it anyway. I never really got the whole chewing slowly thing down pat. The Sparrow team says I should take at least 20 mins to eat a meal. I can’t imagine it. The best I was able to achieve was about 15 mins and that’s when I was eating bigger meals. So, first I’ll work on 10 mins especially when eating those optifast bars. That will be a challenge. I really got to pay attention to eating on time and not letting myself get so hungry that I just plough right through.

So, that is the goal for this week, 10 min meal times. And of course I’m praying I lost the last 2.5 lbs so I can reach my first goal this week.

Everyone take care. Peace and love.

15 oktober 2016

Hey Happy People,

How’s stuff? I hope your day is going better than mine right now. Lord, I am soooo tired. I think I might have gotten four hours sleep total since last night. First night with the C-pap machine…not so good. I’m thinking I didn’t do it right or something. I have very curly ‘black girl” hair and it gets caught in the Velcro of the straps for the headgear for this thing. So I thought “hey, use a scarf to stop that from happening”. Well, it worked but maybe the fit wasn’t so good. I adjusted it as best I could and my headgear is wide width. Yep, my Mama was right, I got a big head. She said it would happen. Anyway, gonna have to come up with something else for tonight. I have a thinner scarf. I’ll try that. If that doesn’t do it then I might just have to let my hair get a little tangled. I need my sleep. I’m a hot mess without it.

Exercise today is recumbent bike. Karen and I were supposed to go walking, but she did allot of moving furniture yesterday and so her body is feeling the pain today. It’s probably best cause I’d probably fall on my face trying to walk today. I’ve got to get my bike braille labeled soon so I can start using the programmable settings instead of just on manual. Especially since this will probably be my main mode of aerobic exercise this winter. I did talk Karen into going to yoga on Tuesday. This is the last evening class there going to have before switching to afternoon classes. Great news because neither of us likes being out at night. She doesn’t like to drive at night and I’m usually just plain tired out by 8 p.m. and ready to wind down for the evening. What can I say, I’m a morning girl…early morning.

I also need to put in some housework this weekend. I finally got my washer, dryer, stove and dish washer braille labeled so no more waiting for someone to come and set those things for me in order to use them. Well just the washer and dryer anyway. I usually guesstimated when it came to the stove. Most stoves are pretty similar if they’re the basic type and nothing fancy is going on…you know…like digital stoves and all that. Dish washer was pretty easy too. I usually just used “hot start”. Now I can use "normal" too. I love apartment complexes, they keep it simple when it comes to appliances.

Okay, starting to babble. See, this is what happens when I don’t get enough sleep…no focus and lousy spelling. think i corrected this entry about three times already.

Peace, Love and joy to all.

14 oktober 2016

Hi F. S.

Today was an interesting day. I went in today to get trained on using my C-pap machine and it wasn’t awful. The machine is compact and easy to use (lots of automatic actions and very blind friendly). And lucky me, they even fitted me for a new mask; the one that goes over your nose only. I did have to try out a chin strap but once I get used to it I may never have to wear the thing again. (by “it” I mean the concept of keeping my mouth closed when I sleep.) I didn’t have the feeling of being smothered by the mask either. My sister got a good chuckle though. She said I looked like a had an elephant trunk hanging from my nose.

I came home and hooked it up and used it for my afternoon nap ( the one that I need to take after working out). I think I slept… must have slep because I had a nightmare that someone was standing over my bed trying to kill me. Not sure what that was about. I remember heavy breathing, but I think that was me and the machine. All in all, nightmares included, I think I can do this. I didn’t have to braille label anything and the cleaning seems quite easy. All of the things that need replacing on the machine (filters, humidifier cups, etc) will be automated for me and sent out when the time is right via the mail. So yeah, I’m good.

I’m going to increase my exercise regimen to include beginners yoga. My therapist has a class on Tuesdays that’s for those who never have taken yoga and who may not be so great at it, too. She says its for the yoga challenged. It’s a small class of about five and most are seniors. They seem to have lots of laughs in the class which is good. I’ll fit right in cause me doing yoga is going to be funny. They provide everything for you (matts, instruction etc) and you just show up and if you can, offer a donation for the instructor. My first class will be this Tuesday coming up. I'm trying to work my way up to learning to Belly dance and maybe...dare to dream...Hula.

My eating has been a little weird lately. I’m not sure what’s going on but I’ve been hungrier lately. No…no..i mean legitimately hungry. You know stomach growling and all that. I’m thinking it might be the colder weather? But I’ve had to watch myself a little more. I’ve come up with a reward system to keep my binging in check. For every time I walk away from the fridge and don’t eat the thing I want to eat at that moment in time, I get a point which will translate into cash at the end of the month (say 50 cents or $1) This cash is spendable on anything I want especially the stuff I really don’t need like Lego (I am a lego maniac. My other handle is Legolady) or kitchie gadegets and dust collectors. I’m really into teapots and naturistic things like rocks and petrified wood. Now you don’t have to buy those, but I like the crystals you can buy. So I can use my points/cash and buy that junk with no guilt feelings. After all, I earned it. And what with all the money I save on buying less food….

So, my sister located a pic of me from before I lost my weight and I’m gonna try and put it up here so you all will have an idea of just who it is you’ve been reading and chatting with. Plus, I want it to serve as my before pic as I reach my weight loss goals. Whooo Hoooo! only 2.5 lbs to go till first goal is met. My reward (I think I’ve mentioned this before) is a pair of hand crafted earrings (clip) I can’t wait. It’s been quite some time since I’ve bought some and I love hand crafted things especially jewelry. Cliptomainia.com is where I usually go, but I’m also going to see if I can find some ethnocentric ones like African or native American inspired. I’m crazy about wooden pieces or carved stone beads.

Well, I’m off to complete the last of my work out routine for today. Hope everyone is well and happy. Blessings to you all.

10 oktober 2016

Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
173,5 kg 6,8 kg 14,7 kg Redelijk Goed
   (4 reacties) Gewichtsafname van 2,1 kg per week

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