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03 augustus 2015

30 juli 2015

I normally don't post two journals in one day I couldn't wait!

I just got off the phone with my boyfriend's orthopedic doctor and after explaining the knee popping and the allergic reaction to the steroid pills, they are calling in a new prescription today! As far as the knee popping goes, I was informed that it was most likely the knee cap popping in/out of joint which explains why he felt better afterwards. They will double check when he goes back but that is such a sigh of relief!!

Also, today is his birthday and I'm surprising him with riddles around the house that he'll have to figure out in order to move to the next one. At the end, he'll have taken a shower, put on a special outfit (which I'll pick out :P), and decide where we're going. That said, I may end up going over calories but I'll try hard not to! I really busted butt at lunch walking around campus so I'm hoping those extra calories will help with this evenings celebration. :)

I just wanted to share! Hope everyone's day is fabulous so far!

30 juli 2015

Woohoo, I lost 0.2 of a pound! Yay, that means I'm slowly but surely getting out of this plateau and losing the weight I gained from my binge session the other day. :)

Today, I thought I'd do things a bit different. What are five strengths you have that you love about yourself? This can be tricky because I know how hard it is to think of yourself positively.

My Five Strengths
1. I genuinely care about people. I don't put on a fake smile or pretend to like someone. However, sometimes this is a double-edged sword especially when I overextend myself.

2. I try hard to see things from other people's perspective even if it's completely different from my own. I realize we all may not agree 100% all the time and I try to keep an open mind about this.

3. I'm a fairly positive person, or at least try to be. After losing my brother, god mother, step mother, and having a long-time boyfriend of 5+ years cheat on me with my best friend; trust me, I have plenty to be negative about. But I've been down that road of depression and never again will I find myself feeling so hopeless that life isn't worth living. I chose to be positive because I know what it's like to be the recipient of good joy from someone else when I'm having a rough time.

4. I'm a go-getter. When I set my mind on something, I generally have a plan and try hard to stick to the plan to reach my goals. This applies in both my work and personal life. Obstacles are just hiccups but they aren't the end of everything.

5. I love to laugh often. My boyfriend has a knack for making me giggle so hard I have to run to the bathroom fast or else risk having an accident! Those are the laughs I remember the most and keep me going. As a child, I was nicknamed "Giggle box" for this reason. I would just randomly giggle at nothing at all and would have the entire class (including my teacher) laughing! The power of a smile/laughter is contagious!

Phew, this was hard but now it's YOUR turn! What are your five strengths?

29 juli 2015

Bad night last night - lost a friend over something really dumb and I ended up binge eating on fajitas while having a drink. I haven't had a drink in probably a year but I will say this much, it helped me sleep really well last night!

I've also started taking Yasmin 5 days ago for ovarian cysts and acne vulgaris. I swear it's messing with my state of mind and appetite. I'm hoping this is just a "phase" I'm going through that will dissipate soon.

My honey's knee seems to be doing better but he's still coughing really bad from the allergic reaction to the steroid pills. I can't wait until he feels better! I'm sure that coupled with the stress of everything else may even be the culprit for what happened yesterday with my friend who incidentally happened to be my boyfriends sister. On a good note, he was very comforting to me last night and told me she's "like that" and "don't take it personally". I guess he would know better than me, right? He told me a few stories of things that happened in the past that were very similar. I don't have a reason to believe he made it up and I suppose it was a little comforting to know this happened before.

As far as today goes since I botched up yesterday's goals so bad, I am going to change them up a tiny bit.

Today I Will
1. Focus on staying under calories
2. Drink at least 64 oz of water
3. Get up every hour and do some form of exercise for a couple of minutes
4. Shove negative thoughts out of my head by replacing them with positive ones
5. Remember that mistakes are only failure if you give up, therefore I won't give up!

I wish I had this mindset yesterday

And last but not least....just for giggles

28 juli 2015

Today my honey's knee is better but for an odd reason. Yesterday was his first day back at work when he said halfway through the day his knee made an excruciating pop. When he woke up this morning, his knee is barely hurting him at all. All my research indicated he may have just had his kneecap pop out of joint and somehow through the course of walking around, his knee popped back into socket. This can also cause swelling like water in the knee.

He saw an orthopedic surgeon last week and he indicated that he did not think he had a tear in the meniscus but that it was just inflamed. Well, now I'm not sure whether to be happy he's feeling better after the pop from yesterday or to be scared that maybe he has something serious going on because popping like that isn't good either.

All in all though, he's having a great day and for that I am very happy! He was bedridden last week and barely could do anything so the fact that he's in little to no pain brings me great joy!

Today I am still at 209 but after listening to several people's wonderful advice from yesterday's post, I am going to up my exercise a bit while keeping track of what I eat a little more closely. I know my body is going to pass this plateau soon, I just need to have a little patience and keep doing what I'm doing.

Today, I will keep fighting the good fight and not give up! I chose to be positive instead of negative and refuse to let the scale determine my success. What about you? Will you fight hard despite seemingly slow progress? How about you join me and let's do this together! :)

And just for giggles Haha!

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