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08 januari 2012

Day 2, Advocare 24 Day Challenge

Going pretty good so far. We were on the go a lot this weekend, but I managed to stick with the basic requirements for the most part.

The worst thing I ate yesterday was the peanuts. We went to a Toledo Walleye (minor league hockey) game last night at the spur of the moment, so I didn't have time to plan a snack in advance. Of all the options at the concession stand, a bottle of water and bag of peanuts in the shell was definitely the smartest choice.

I did a little better with the fiber drink this morning - drank it faster so it didn't thicken as much. It doesn't taste bad - the thick texture is just a little weird to me. Good thing I'm almost done with it. (Fiber drink is only on days 1-3 and 8-10 of the 24 day challenge.) Thankfully, everything else tastes good and is easy to follow.

Spent the afternoon chopping greens and veggies for salads. Much easier to do that sort of thing on Sunday afternoon, so that I'm ready for the work week!

We do have a salad bar in the cafeteria at work, which helps, but I know it is more economical to purchase and take my own salads. However, at least I still have a convenient option for fresh veggies at lunch time if I don't get a chance to pack a salad.

All in all, this is going pretty good so far. The real test will be to see if I can resist the temptation of the vending machine while I'm sitting at my desk. Just need to arm myself with healthy snacks, so that I have a better alternative for the afternoon hunger pangs.

07 januari 2012

Day 1, Advocare 24 Day Challenge

Normally I am not good at following plans or regimens. I am committed to following through with challenge though. I can do anything for 24 days, right?

(Disclosure - it doesn't hurt that I also have a chance to win a $200 Visa gift card at the end of the challenge. Kick starting my journey to health and wellness is the primary motivation for the challenge, but it never hurts to have some added incentive thrown in.) :)

I recorded my measurements to start the challenge. As I suspected the other day, it was a huge wake-up call. This is the first time I have pulled out a measuring tape since my 36-24-36 days, and wow...what an eye opener!

If it weren't for the fact that this site is anonymous, I'm not sure that I'd have the nerve to list my measurements. (Don't know why I'd be skittish to share them in real life, people could guess just by looking at me anyhow. LOL)

Here goes though...

Weight - 208
Arm (right and left) - 13 1/2
Shoulders - 47
Chest (not bust) 36 1/2 (bust - 43 1/4)
Waist - 41/ 1/2
Hips - 47
Thigh (right and left) - 28
Calf (right and left) - 17

Looking forward to posting some improved numbers after Day 24. I'm not expecting miracles - just an improvement that will be reasonable in that time frame. My overall journey is a long term process...this is just one small step!

(Edit to add - Note to self: Drink fiber drink all at once. I stopped half way through the glass to type my journal entry, and it was difficult to drink that last part in the glass once I got back to it. (Think it might have thickened a little as it sat while I typed? Not to the point it was unconsumable for most people - it was just a texture thing for me.)

05 januari 2012

I'm back! Decided that perhaps right before the holidays wasn't the best time for me to start a diet. I had a lot going on, and didn't want to set myself up for failure. If anything, I suppose the 3 pounds I gained since Thanksgiving will motivate me to make some big changes now!

I have decided to try the Advocare 24 Day Challenge to kick start my diet. Normally, I would be skeptical about something like this, but I have seen a college friend get great results. I figure it is worth a shot, and at this point I really don't have anything to lose...except hopefully some of this excess weight. :)

Saturday will be Day 1 of my challenge. (The products have been shipped and should arrive Friday afternoon, so I can't start until Saturday morning.)

Until then, I need to get started on some healthy grocery shopping and throw out the junk food in my pantry. I talked my husband into doing the 24 Day Challenge with me, even though he doesn't really have much weight to lose. However, he hasn't had much energy lately, despite being naturally athletic. Hopefully this will help give him a boost.

And, of course, it will help me commit to the program if he is doing it with me. One of my biggest struggles with losing weight is that he always insists on having junk food (chips, cookies, ice cream, etc) in the house. It is hard for me to resist the temptation if those items are right in front of me, though I do well when it is "out of sight, out of mind."

When I lived on my own, I only kept healthy food on my own and was very trim and healthy. I weighed almost 70 pounds less back then, just a mere 10 years ago! Of course, my weight gain isn't only because of him insisting on having junk food in the house - 2 pregnancies didn't exactly help in that regard either. :)

The one thing I am not looking forward to on this challenge is taking my measurements before it begins. Last time I pulled out a measuring tape, I was pretty close to the 36-24-36 stereotypical "ideal." These days, I barely have a discernable waist, and I don't even want to think about how much larger my hip measurement will be. Sigh.

However, perhaps seeing the measurements will help motivate me to stick with the program. I could probably use the wake-up call.

05 januari 2012

Gewicht: Tot nu toe verloren: Nog te gaan: Dieet gevolgd:
94,3 kg 0 kg 28,6 kg Niet Toepasbaar

05 december 2011

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