StephiCat's Logboek

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13 april 2014

The home smells wonderful now. Beans are being slow cooked with saffron. The smell is making me hungry.

Actually the smell is not making hungry. I'm making me hungry because I'm being lazy about staying on schedule. The weekends are bad that way. I always have so much more I'd rather be doing than concerning about food. Heavy sigh.

It's a bad habit I have to get over. It's probably my worst habit when it comes to food. If I'm consistent I don't get hungry and I take better care of myself. If I'm self indulgent and super focused, I leave food to the last. Then I'm so hungry I eat anything I can get my hands on quick. Usually something that's not good for me. Hmmm, thinking about this is making stop and go eat something healthy.

OK I have a salad. I'm being good. And I don't feel so hungry now.

12 april 2014

Oh I've been so lazy for so long. That's not true. I haven't been lazy. I just have a schedule that doesn't favor this daily recording thing. My day starts at 0300 and runs until 1800 4 days a week. By the time I get home, all I want to do is sit for bit and regroup. Truth to tell it's 2 days a week that's my schedule. The other 2 are 0300 to 2000. For the nonmilitary that's 3AM to 8PM.

It's been so nice here in Tucson lately. Most would consider this miserable weather i.e. too hot. In the 90's. That's not even trying to be hot. We have security screen doors. You know, screen doors you can lock with dead bolts like a regular door; and the screens are heavy metal screens, not something you can put your hand through.

Wondering why I'm telling you this? Last night was the first night of the year that we went to sleep with the regular doors open. I love waking up to morning like these, all nice and pleasant and full of fresh clean air. And the home's all comfortable temperature with no heater or air conditioner. The day before when I checked the temperature outside at 4 in the morning it was 65 degrees. We could have slept with the doors open that night too if we had just paid attention to the weather report.

Of course it's April so we could get another cold snap. We won't be turning on the air conditioner yet.

I've lost so much weight I've gone down two sizes. I need to buy new pants, new bras and a new swim suit. Having to buy a new swimsuit is irritating. I haven't had that swimsuit a year yet and it's just too big. I've already pulled out shirts that were too small that I'm fitting into now. I guess I should check out the dresses too.

20 maart 2014

19 maart 2014

3/19/2014 6:11 AM
Hmmmm, what to write about today.

I have an eye appointment this morning. It’s actually closer to mid day than morning. It’s at 11:00. I really hate having appointments at that time of day. I prefer to have them first thing when the office opens so I still have the rest of the day to myself. This kind of splits it up so I can’t focus on a project the way I would prefer. Oh well, I need new glasses so this is my project for the day.

I was just reflecting on how my pattern of behavior has changed. In the past, I would have made the appointment a special cause to have something decadent to eat. I haven’t even considered that until just now. And you know what I thought about, having lunch at Sweet Tomatoes. Hardly decadent. Boy I have changed.

Speaking of eating I just realized I’ve been up for an hour and a half and I haven’t had anything to eat yet. That’s still one of my worst habits that needs breaking, eating consistently at the same times. This is important when one is diabetic. Putting this on pause for a moment…..OK 5 minutes later and I’ve got my steel cut oatmeal. 5 minutes for steel cut oatmeal, I bet you're wondering how’d she do that?

OK here’s the secret. I got directions for cooking steel cut oats off the internet using a crock pot. I cook enough for a week’s serving. It takes about 7 hours to cook on low so I set it up for overnight. Next morning I wake up to the smell of breakfast done. Reminds me of being a kid. I put the leftover in a sealed container. The next day I’m in a rush, or just don’t want to bother like today, I take about 1/4 cup of the oatmeal, shake in a dash of cinnamon, a dash of nutmeg, and here’s the surprise a smidgen of red chili powder. Mix that together as best as possible considering the oatmeal’s cold; and then add almond milk mixing as I go until I get it to the consistency I like my oatmeal. Zap it in the microwave for two minutes and yum, instant healthy breakfast. Sometimes I like to add a bit of sunflower seeds on the top after it’s cooked. I forgot to this morning. That would have been good. Plus it would have been some protein. To finish up have some apple slices, banana slices or whatever fruit you prefer.

Of course you can use more than a 1/4 cup of the oatmeal; and probably you should. Being diabetic, I’m only allowed 1/4 cup at a time. Which reminds me. I need to finish my breakfast. Celery and peanut butter I think.
Have a good day all. ;)

6:42 AM

18 maart 2014

3/18/2014 2:57 AM

What to write about today.

I had way too much sodium yesterday. Sigh. I didn’t do it on purpose. I was trying to pour just a smidge of dressing on my salad when a whole glob just poured out.

I think I’m going to learn how to make my own dressings.

I still probably don’t eat enough. Food has become a challenge a chore. It’s something I have to do. It’s not something I enjoy. But to be truly honest, I don’t think I ever enjoyed it. In the back of my mind has been this running conversation for as long as I can remember, am I going to get enough; am I eating enough; is this healthy; is that healthy; this isn’t good for me; that isn’t good for me; I don’t like the way this tastes; that takes too long to cook; it’ll spoil before I finish it and I’ll have wasted my money; you can’t throw away good food; etc, etc, etc. Heavy sigh, and now that I’m diabetic the rules and requirements are more stringent.

Enough of that! I refuse to feel sorry for myself. It is what it is; deal with it.

I decided to throw away my TV yesterday. I’ve been thinking about doing that for a long time. I don’t consider it particularly entertaining and if I want news, I can get it on the internet.

I figured my time could be better spent on things I love like drawing and writing, and on beings I love like my cats, family and friends.

I started the Exercise 5 X per week challenge yesterday. I signed up and everything but I can’t figure out how to record exercises done so it shows up in the challenge ‘cause I exercised yesterday. I entered into my exercise calendar but it didn’t log in the challenge. I must be doing something wrong but I can’t figure out what it is.

I woke up an hour early this morning and now I’m starting to feel sleepy. This is very annoying because I tried to fall back asleep for 30 minutes and my mind was wide awake. It just would not go back to sleep. And I can’t even remember what I was thinking about. I wasn’t worrying. If I had been, I would have been journaling about that; and as you can see, my entry has been all over the place this morning.

3:24 AM

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