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03 april 2008

31 maart 2008

hehe! I went to the doctor today to get my BC shot once again. I wanted to give it up so bad because I know it makes it harder to lose weight but I would rather work harder to lose weight then get pregnant.

So when I get into the little room where the check your blood pressure and your weight, the lady did it all and then I went sat back in the waiting room. Then when they called my name again the next nurse made me get on the scale and check my weight again cause she couldn't believe that I had lost that much weight since the last time I was there. I was screaming inside, because the last time I was there they told me I needed to go on a diet and thats when I decided to do it. I wanted to be under 200 by the time that I went back to the doctor, I didnt quite make it but I think i did just fine.
They set me up an appointment with a nutritionist so that I could talk to someone about my diet and get checked up because of all the things that could go wrong with atkins (even tho they don't always do)

So i was wondering if anyone had any questions they would like me to ask the nutritionist. I have an hour with her so I can write down everything everyone asks and ask her! I am taking my sister with me too so she can ask questions also. So if you have any questions post them on here and I will get back to you. My appointment is on the 8th so you all have until then to get your questions in.

Good luck to everyone this week!
Katie Sue

28 maart 2008

YAY! I am finally back from building stuff haha!
Sorry I didn't update like I promised but my friends laptop was broken so I didn't have access to the internet.

I wasn't able to actually build a home for someone because they split us up into teams and I was chosen to build a shed. We had 4 people working on one shed and it took us ALL week to build the darn thing. We started will litterally 4 cinderblocks, a pile of wood, and some nails. It was so amazing after it was finished when I could walk into the shed and look around at what I had built. It was sooo hard and sooo rewarding. We got to meet one of the people that would be moving into the house and using the shed we built and it felt great knowing that I was doing something so wonderful for them :D

I am always sad at the end of things like this because I know that there is a very slim chance that I will ever see most of these people again :/ But atleast I made new friends :D

I will post a few pictures as soon as i figure out how too haha.

I wasnt able to stick to the diet to well because they were feeding me. All they had to eat for breakfast was doughnuts and bagels and stuff like that. For lunch we had sandwiches. And for supper we had stuff like jambalaya, pasta, briskit and stuff like that. So instead of concentrating mainly on what I was eating I tried to concentrate more on portion control. And I drank mostly water because it was soo hot out there. I also skipped desert like cookies, chips, and ice cream. So I am hoping with all the hard work I have done that it will sort of balance out and I will weigh the same, instead of gain. I guess we will find out tomorrow :/

24 maart 2008

Okay so yesterday I went to my boyfriends g-maw's house with full intentions of not eating ANYTHING off the diet. I mean they were having crawfish.. so why would I eat any chocolate?

When we are all done eating crawfish we all go inside and visit in the living room. Granny had cooked cookies, and made chocolate covered strawberries and brownies and cupcakes... and no one was eating them. She kept telling everyone to come get some deserts but no one wanted any. I could tell she was upset so me and my boyfriend got up and went go get a small plate. I only ate one brownie and one cookie, and a few pieces of chocolate. But i fell a completely terribele, considering I had gone my entire diet without eating chocolate. And you know what, the chocolate didn't even taste as great as I had remembered it tasting haha.

So this week I am hoping that I will be able to get back on my diet and stay one it. Im not sure what I will be eating since the Habitat for Humanity people will be feeding me, but I am gonna try my hardest not to cheat, because the easter bunny whooped my butt :/

I am leaving today at 1:00 to go to the x-treme spring break so wish me luck!
I will still be able to post on here since I am staying with a friend instead of at the school on those hard gym floors.


15 maart 2008

Hey you guys!
Sorry I haven't been journaling to much lately I .. am still busy with school haha. I don't expect that school will settle down to much either cause we only have about a month and a half left so that means finals will be coming up soon, and all those final projects will be coming up soon too :/

The other day I went pick my boyfriend up from his drop off site from offshore. I was so excited to see him cause I hadn't seen him in a month. I jumped out of the car and ran up to him and gave him a big hug. The first words that came out of his mouth were... You lost weight huh?? hahah! I was like yea how you know!? He said cause I can tell when I hug you :D I was soo happy lol.

I am very excited about the new challenge thats coming up! I can't wait! I hope I am as successful as I was the last challenge. I can't believe that I am this close to "one-derland" as Welchmom2 calls it haha.
I don't know if they are looking for team leaders this time around but I couldn't be one anyway. I wish I could cause I had so much fun last time. But I have finals coming up.. and summer intersession starting in May.. I just don't think that it would work out.

I am very excited about Spring break too! I am going out of town to this thing called X-treme Spring Break! It is where I get to go with about 1000 other college students and help rebuild some of the homes that were destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. I know a lot of people have forgotten about that... but I tell you what.. its been rough for some of the people around here. It has been almost 3 years, and some people are still not able to move back home. So we are going volunteer to help these people! I can't wait. I don't know how my diet will work out that week because they are feeding us.. but I know that rebuilding homes will be plenty enough exercise haha!

I hope everyone is doing well with the dieting and exercising!Keep in touch my White Corvettes I want to know how all of you are doing!


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