maelynpeacock's Logboek

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14 maart 2015

Today has been a do nothing day. I have taken a break from patrols and training. I did stand at the second story and watch the legless undead in the far off meadow languish near the stream. I have not seen a whole undead yet. Which is probably for the best as I am not advanced enough yet to deal with one, and my training is primarily dealing with grabbing what I need and getting away from them before I become part of their way of eating.

I spent a good part of my morning waiting for a person to show up, that turned out was never actually going to show up. He had never been told to show up. I will now be sending the mad contraption (cable box) back by way of the spirit (mail) to where it belongs in order to get this matter resolved (cancelling my cable TV). It is not something that I have been using, but it has been using up my GP. I have decided that GP could be better spent on my way of eating or on Alex the Mighty's care or new clothes as this way of eating proves fruitful.

Today I have spent, and will continue to spend, some time reading scrolls on this WOE. I am considering tightening the reins on things next week, once I am out of my treats from this week. I have perhaps been too gentle with myself, and need to get a bit more serious and get the rest of the stuff, the easy stuff, out of my pantry as well. Those that have been doing this longer than I have pointed out that there has been a changing of hands many times and new chemists at the pot a many times since the death of the Sage (Dr. Atkins). It is something to consider.

I did do something tonight over the pit that I had not done before, I made my own soup. The ingredients suggested for the meal lended themselves in that direction. What else would you do with vegetables, broth and meat? It was quite good. I think I will never buy the Market's soup again. I am hooked on homemade soup now. And the honey markers on it were just right. There was no need to barter with the Inn Keep to get more to enjoy it. I admit I am not hungry at all today.

Tomorrow is a test. Tomorrow I weigh-in. Tomorrow I train with the undead. Tomorrow I train with a Miss Jillian Michaels in a thing called the 30-Day Shred, per request of a friend wanting support. So, today, today I rest.

Defeated: None
Items Acquired/Made: (Retrieved from the shelves) 30-Day Shred, Mat, Hand Weights
XP: 79 GP: 2.58

13 maart 2015

I visited my healer (primary care physician), and she took from me some blood for a soothsayer (lab) to divine my health in several areas (vitamins). It was a productive visit. The Wise Woman (community support specialist) I see regularly attended me on this visit and further helped in the day as well.

It has been a dreary day with the weather, and I started to consider a way I could travel a great distance from home in the weather without getting completely soaked to arrive at a place that sells food cheaply (Aldi). She was kind enough to pull the cart over at the place, lend me some bags, the renting coinage for a small wheelbarrow (shopping cart) to gather my stuff in, and stayed with me to provide a way home. The opportunity saved me over ten GP. Which was very fortunate as I had forgotten that the Goblins (bank) would be taking their monthly fee today and was shocked to see the amount I had. The trip to the bigger market tonight resulted in a small gathering of items as there was not much left to acquire. Interestingly enough, at the big store I spent as much on three items as I did on the entire barrow at the other store. The total was approximately 36 GP for a week's worth of food. After the 7 GP the Goblins took, I was left with about 5 GP that they would allow me to transfer to a special account (as it has to be in numbers of 5).

I did another training exercise today with the Undead. I also met up with another cleric that used to be in training a long time back. I received a bag of holding today. I think that will come in very useful as time goes on. I did not injure any undead today, but did escape from a couple. My running is coming along quite well.

Enemies Defeated: None
Items Acquired: Food (36 GP spent on items), Bag of Holding (over the shoulder with the number 5 on it)
Items Created: None
Total XP: 79 Total GP: 2.58

12 maart 2015

Today was a day of planning and improvisation and a helping and joining of new parties. Taking the advice of a Wise Woman (community support specialist) to improve my ratings on my inspections I took my newly acquired scrub brush and set to scrubbing by hand the floor in the cooking area. Alas, it does not look much improved. No matter. I shall try again in a couple of days. I will be victorious. The dust bunnies and slime will not defeat me! I am a cleric of the order of the House of Aine, Queen of the Faeries!

Food was a bit of cravings again today, but did not utterly cave into them, but did give into them some and thusly, traded out carb tokens today for other food. One of the Coffee Three was unable to attend to the evening patrol due to a headache and I left her to her crystal ball (TV) to watch strange shapes and shadows jump about in nonsensical images, at least to me. It was a hard fought patrol (walk, including going up and the staircases at the ends of the building) tonight as we went up and down and around the grounds. At the last four minutes I cast the spell "Eye of the Tiger" (played the song). One of member took it quite zealously and took off in a bolt, and even ended up with some extra punches (push-ups) to troglydite after it was down for the count calling out our names with each extra hit.

My friend, Rebecca and I enjoyed a drought of water from the well before settling down. It was a good patrol, just active and hard. The weather was cool and a bit damp due to the rain. We frequently passed the guard panther known simply as Mama, a beautiful snow white. In reward for her fulfilling her duty I gave her some filling food as well.

Tomorrow I shall receive 50 GP to spend on a week's worth of groceries for this way of eating. I have done my menu and done the math for both the carb tokens and the GP, both are there, barely, but there.

XP: Slime X 2: 8 XP, GP, Troglydite X 4: 20, GP 0.90
Tools Acquired: None
Tools/Items Created: None
Total XP: 79, Total GP: 0.94

11 maart 2015

The day was a busy a day and has left me feeling rather tired. Today was another eventful day in that so much had to occur today. I awoke rather early and took my herbal concoctions (medications); for you see, my mind is, well, it is a bit of a wild cat at times that has been doused with nectar of black lilies and sunflowers and a bit of the poppy I'm afraid. (mania, depression, hallucinations) However, I promptly laid back down as I was bit a drugged from a concoction I had taken the night before for some jitters, likely my jaunt with the undead, and slept until one of my fellow adventurers yelled to me to wake up and join them for the morning round of coffee; of course, they had already been having coffee for more than a quarter hour at that point. I arose, dressed hastily, scraped a half-tablespoon of coconut oil from the jar, placed it in my cup, still in the spoon, and off I went.

Coffee hour was lovely, for what part I was there for it. As I was due for an inspection of my quarters later I could not stay late, not even late enough to finish my coffee. I took it with me and placed some heavy cream into it once I returned to my quarters, hastily ate a meal bar not feeling as if I had time to prepare a proper breakfast as I had to go off to see a person rather advanced in the healing arts of the mind (psychiatrist) in just a couple of hours and would likely not be home to be present for the inspection. The coffee was still a bit bitter with the coconut oil in it, but much improved with the cream, but cream is rather expensive.

There was an unplanned trip to the market later on that resulted in a fair amount of walking around, which was splendid as it took the place of my scheduled patrol for this evening. I acquired a new mop and a hand held, floor scrubber. I also examined prices for produce to gauge for my next trip to the market for food.

I have struggled this evening, and most likely due to hormones from where I am in my womanly cycle, with some cravings. I had a bit extra, but still within limits. It did not cost too much. My ketone strip is purple. To clear my head I did a meditative walk this evening as I also needed to rebuild my mana from last night's battle with the undead. My prayers focused on peace, liberation, and bliss. I hope tonight rest will come easy. I think my great beast, Alex the Mighty, will enjoy it more if I do not continually toss him off of the bed as I toss and turn.

Enemies Defeated: Miniature Dust Bunny X 2: 2XP, 2 Copper
Tools Acquired: Mop, and hand held, floor scrubber
Tools Created: None
Total XP: 51 XP Total GP: 0.04 (3.23 spent on tools)

10 maart 2015

Today was a day full of excitement at the Inn (apartment complex). I admit though I found it hard to get out of the comfort of the sheets this morning as if I had partaken of the drought the night before; truth be told the Mistress of Sleep has been elusive the last few nights. I seem to not be alone in that. Perhaps it is something that shall bear further investigation. Perhaps a spell has been cast. Perhaps.

At the morning gathering I enjoyed a tall glass of vanilla caramel tea as I find it quite delectable on its own without any need of sweetening whatsoever. We talked with a fallen comrade that is waiting the minstruls of a healer in another waystation (nursing home) for a broken foot through a talking ear horn (cellphone). The best part is that later that day this group of us, all women as the only man is in the waystation, went on patrol (walked the halls and stairwells).

We had a grand time on patrol. We encountered a giant beast made of a concoction of lost hair, dirt, and I believe it had ears. It was, I do believe, a giant dust bunny. My mace was useless but with some teamwork we used kicks (did side stepping while we took turns getting water) to obliterate it. It was a short patrol but the mighty hills (stairs) of climbing up and then going down again and constant circling were enough to tire us. It also served to warm the three of us quite thoroughly.

I have gotten quite lax on my practice with one of the things that we clerics are best at - dispatching the undead. I took off for a short distance from the Inn to a place notorious for a problem, albeit small, with the undead. It was quite invigorating as I walked a bit and then ran some. I, of course, was not entirely alone in this. I had a person speaking to me the entire time guiding me through the training exercise (Zombies, Run! 5K Training App). Apparently I have some new reading material and have earned a hot bath at the Inn. I shall quite enjoy both.

I have been lax on my cleaning today, but will do some tonight before I bugger off to sleep. Tomorrow is also the day of the inspection of the quarters. It has been a good day. Oh, and the stick has turned a light purple now. (I'm in moderate ketosis).

Enemies Defeated: Giant Dust Bunny (5X, 0 GP), 2 Undead - Crawlers (12 XP, 0 GP)
Bonus XP: Weight Loss XP: Down 0.8 pounds +1 XP
Tools Acquired: None
Tools Created: Rainbow Talky Sleeve
Total XP: 47 XP, GP: 3.25

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