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26 maart 2015

So, it's Thursday. AND I was supposed to have by now, had my meeting with the Screaming Woman, done some Pilates, my 37 minutes of Zombie Run!, a morning Walk, and cooked lunch. Know what I have done? Nothing really. I have messed around on the Internet a bit. I've caught up on some person stuff. I haven't even changed out of my jammies yet and it's now 2:00 PM. I'm okay with it. I have pretty much decided I'm taking the day off. I'm enjoying my nice cup of tea. I'm staying within the guidelines of my WOE, but I'm just not worrying about the rest. I'm just chilaxin' (btw, first time I ever heard that word was on a psychiatric ward). I'm choosing to chill out today, because I've had a slight uptick in hallucinations the last couple of days telling me I'm letting things get stressed out.

See, some people when their stress level gets too high they might yell at some random person, or create a new cuss word (we certainly need more colorful words to go around), envision a new way to torture their boss that would make an Inquisitor blush, or scream so loud their mirrors crack. Me? No, it starts small. I become more fearful of the mirror and have to turn on the light before I can cross the threshold between me and the mirrors path that blocks the way to the damn toilet at 2 AM or there is a being on the other side of that mirror that is going to come through and grab me, take my place and kill all of my friends (yes, these are things I start to think). So, I realize this is a ridiculous thought, but need to go pee, can't just turn off the emotion, but can turn on the light, so I turn on the light and spend the next 45 minutes calming down enough to go back to sleep. I see bugs and everywhere and there are things called illusions that pop up that border on hallucinations but are just distorted images of something that is already there. So.

Fantastical thinking...well, never been much for the "conspiracy" theories so to speak. I've never thought the government was spying on me or really anyone else for that matter. I do believe in aliens simply by statistical probability given the number of earth-like planets out there, it seems more improbable that there isn't life on at a couple of those other planets. Just by the math. Now, then as mentioned above, I do, in my psychotic states think things are coming for me, to get me, to kill me, to do harm to others, and will harm anyone that intervenes and stops them from harming me. So, yeah, very long story there, sorry. All of that is NOT what I want to go through any time soon.

I've been out of the hospital since mid-January. I just finished a round of ECT (electro-convulsive therapy, aka electric "shock" treatments) in the beginning of this month and have no desire to go back. I have no desire for more med changes. I just need time to let my mind and body let go of some of the stress and relax. I will have to make out my menu today as I have to go shopping tomorrow for food, but all will be good. I don't have to get much. I actually don't think I need much from Aldi aside from cherry tomatoes and lettuce this time.

Peace, love, and chicken grease.

25 maart 2015

24 maart 2015

It has been a busy day. I enjoyed a nice morning stroll (walked the halls). Wait did I write "mice morning stroll?" No, I didn't. Must just be on my mind. I am told they are tasty. I am rather nervous at the idea at finding out who knows what the cook is really putting in the food. I will leave the mice to the cat and continue to make my own food. Where was I? Oh, yes, the morning stroll. Actually, nothing exciting there other than running into smoke from a fire (person was smoking in the building against the rules). It was a rather cool morning.

I don't quite remember breakfast or much with the coffee gathering. Miss and Mama were there, of course, but there is a lady that has joined us, kind of bossy, nice in her own way, but also kind of rude at times. Strange sense of humor. What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede? A walkie-talkie. Not sure where the humor is supposed to be in there. I'm sticking with my cherry berry tea for the mornings, but still helping to supply the creamer with the rations that I earn.

Just like at the old Inn I have inspections (still on weekly's) here as well due to sanitation reasons, but here they take them much more serious. I will be spending a greater amount of time to it tomorrow than I normally do. I hope to pass it.

I still haven't started my training as a runner, still not sure what that means in these lands engulfed with the undead, so I had the time to meet with the Screaming Woman (Jillian Michaels) and do the last day of her Level 1 of the Shred. Tomorrow I will advance to Level 2. I did something called Pilates today as well, quite different. The sides of legs are still hurting from that. Definitely intense on those small muscles, must get stronger though. Each routine is a step in that direction.

I may take another walk before I go to sleep tonight, but I may not. My way of eating is still going well. I modified a little bit this morning what I had planned to eat, and I think it went well. I am enjoying my food. It has flavor. It fills me up. I feel satisfied. I do not usually feel hungry unless I have waited too long to eat. This I find as good things.

Level: 2
Wound Level: Scratched
Defeated: None
Mission Completed: None today
Items Acquired: None
Items Created: None
Skills Worked: Athletics, Cleaning, Cooking
Spells: Cleanse Wound, Cleanse Food
Total XP: 147 GP: 2

23 maart 2015

I walked around the encampment today, trying to get a feel for the place. It's not much to look at. No one seems to want to call me by my name, it's just Runner 5. It seems they're going to start my training in a couple of days to get stronger. It's kind of dirty, but there's a few gardens being planted. I've even been given a plot to tend. Mama and Miss have joined from the old town to this one. It'll be nice to at least have two people that I know around. The coffee group is still together.

These people are under constant diligence for those things out there. I helped take care of the familiar things that I know about, a couple of slimes that trying to fight their way in through the cracks in the fence. Those, they didn't seem to know what they were and had been hitting them with vinegar. So, I took care of them with a couple of rocks. I feel strange not having my mace.

I am definitely going to have to watch what I eat. I don't think it'd be good to be a fat runner doing whatever these runners do around here. A fat, healing cleric is one thing, but a fat Runner doesn't have the same kind of ring to it. Well, that change in my diet is not hard to maintain here anyways, all they really have are meat and vegetables and these strange metal cans I'm told that hold food or clams, but don't eat the ones with the clams.

So, today was a bit of white meat, a bit red meat, some veggies, an egg, some bacon, and walking around. The coffee group and I walked about the gardens. It was actually kind of peaceful. If it wasn't for the bruises and cuts I could have forgotten all about yesterday. Still sore in some places, but no major damage.

I have some chores to do. I am to help clean up in the kitchen at the Inn tonight. My bed isn't much. It's a blanket on the ground with a blanket to cover up with. Oh, and there seems to be this cat that has taken a liking to me. He's a beautiful black cat. I think I'll call him The Mighty One.

Level: 2
Wound Level: Scratched
Defeated: Slime X 2: XP 8, GP: 2
Mission Completed: None today
Items Acquired: None
Items Created: None
Skills Worked: Athletics, Cleaning
Spells: Cleanse Wound, Cleanse Food
Total XP: 147 GP: 2

22 maart 2015

It has been a crazy day. The air ship thingy I was in to travel into the heart of this new town was blown out of the sky today! By what, I'm not certain. It was like a cannon ball of fire! The lady, she called herself a thing, a pilot, I think. Anyways, she handed me this strange head piece saying put it on. I did and I heard voice talking through it. I was trying to get her free. She, I can't quite it explain it. There were these sounds coming from all around, moans. It was strange. I was about to cast cleanse wound on her leg it was pretty bad when she slit her throat. I was stunned. This voice kept talking saying something about zoms and numbers, 30, 40, 50, something, and then about a tower and to just run if I could hear him. I didn't even think to grab any of the supplies we were bringing. I just ran.

I didn't know how to respond back tot he man. Sam. His name is Sam. I just kept going. I'm not a very good runner, not really and slowed to a walk, but a fast one, trying to navigate through the trees. He told me that if I came out of the forest to my east I would run into a "small zombie horde" and to change direction towards a building with red signs on it. Then this woman came on and directed me towards a place that held medicine. I was told to get some of there "med kits" or they wouldn't let me in, because everyone does their part. Not let me in? With this many undead? I didn't even have my mace, knife or anything. I have no supplies, nothing!

Breathe. Keep running. Keep going. Breathe. Supplies. I found something that looked interesting and somehow they saw me with them and told me to definitely not drop it. Then one of these undead they call zombies was on me, followed by several more had apparently followed me in. There was no need to tell me to run. The smell!

As I approached the walls of the town I was told they were going to send people out with weapons to help bring me in, but that I just needed to keep moving. As if I needed to be told that! One kept staying with me. They brought it down as they rose the gates upon my approach. I was never so happy to see the inside of walls in all of my life. This is to be my new home.

There is a sad story about the zombie that was chasing me. Apparently, who she was, I am taking her place in this town, and she was special to the operator that helped to bring me in. I won't get into all of the details, but here the dead make more dead and have to be made dead twice. It is a strange place with strange devices.

I am now called Runner 5. I am still a cleric, but that is so strange here. I am still to learn in that area, but how I help out the town will be as a runner. I start to train in a few days. Oh, and I was able to pull out of my little pouch tied to my waist my stone to allow me to have my session with the Screaming Woman. After my day, that seemed like a meditation session over training!

Level: 2
Wound Level: Scratched
Defeated: None
Mission Completed: Arrive at Township: +10 XP, Picked Up Medical Files +5 XP, Picked Up Medical Kits: +5 XP
Items Acquired: (Items Lost)
Items Created: None
Skills Worked: Athletics
Spells: Cleanse Wound, Cleanse Food
Total XP: 139 GP: 0

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