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25 oktober 2012

I think I am back on track, trying to keep recording my food, went off the wagon for a while where I wasn't recording anything. I am better now. I need to cut out some things out of my diet, such as fattening cheeses like cheddar and American. I think I will stick to Part Skim Mozzarella. It is the best for me, and also the easiest to grill on my George Forman Grill. I need to stay away from processed cheese like American cheese. I think American cheese is way too fattening anyway. There are many ways I would like to cut down, one is I would like to get rid of any and all soda in my diet. I would like to make an agreement with someone to have no soda. I want to drink just plain water or Crystal Light Tea. I don't even want to drink any other kind of Crystal Light EXCEPT tea, because the tea is the only drink that doesn't taste so sickening sweet. I also get the 4C kind too, which is very tasty. I am going shopping this weekend. Time to empty cupboards. Stick to no soda, no other drinks but water or tea. Perhaps I will even get some real tea, you know, like the kind that comes in tea bags, just to see if I like it all the same. I do not drink hot liquids so if I got that I would have to have a way to make it cold. I should get a tea pot and boil the teabags first but I am not sure how to get them out afterward, otherwise I would have bought one a long time ago. Perhaps I will find a way. I wish not to be limited in consumption of drinks and I think that getting REAL tea would be better than the synthetic crap, so I have made up my mind to get some real tea, and not the little packets. I think tea is best right now. I was told by the idiots in Dunkin Donuts that they do not have sugar free flavor shots, when I know for a fact they do. Incompetence! I am going to start drinking coffee with splenda and cream alone. I would love to do flavor shots but I am not sure where to get them so that they are sugar free. I don't even own a coffeepot. I should invest in one, but I am not even sure how to make coffee. I think if I got a real coffeepot, I would be able to brew tea in it as well, but I am not sure. I am also afraid I would have to stock up on ice and I NEVER have ice, so I would just have to put it in the fridge till it was cool. But I also do not know if my pitcher, which is plastic, would melt if I put hot tea in it to stick in the fridge. I definitely got too many things to worry about now. I go to the Weight Loss doctor next week, for the first time alone, I am taking the bus. A little nervous, especially since I just spent about two weeks binging, but I am working out almost everyday and doing my best to keep active, so I should be able to walk in there with my head held high at least. I am so hoping I can start making some small changes, especially about what I drink, that is important to me to get that under control. I need to drink mostly water and stick with water and herbal tea and lay off the caffeine, so well, there goes my idea of coffee. I need to stay away from the caffeine, this is a given. I get very hyper when I have caffeine and it sends me into a whirlwind. I am going to look at the store for some teas that I may like. I do find I like the synthetic Green teas, but perhaps the real stuff I will like better. I am afraid to try black tea, although I do like red tea and white tea. I am also thinking of trying to add a little coconut milk to my water, just as a bit of flavoring. I am not a big fan of coconut, but its milk is tasty at times. I am really trying to find ways to change my eating habits, even if they are just little steps. I plan to make my grocery list between tonight and tomorrow and go shopping on Saturday, but I am unsure what to get yet, because I really want to cut down on synthetic stuff, such as mac'n'cheese and stuff in boxes like that. Tuna is on sale this week so I will definitely get an abundance of that. I am trying to eat more fish in my diet. I am eating more turkey than anything, I no longer eat red meat, and I haven't had a red meat burger in a while, and I don't miss it. I will write more after I make my grocery list and I will cut corners wherever I can so as not to get bad things to eat. I will let everyone know how I do in this aspect.

10 oktober 2012

I keep fearing failure in diet, so I fail. I keep thinking about food, so I eat. I keep thinking about the past, so I eat over it. I need to just think about the present and let it work for me.

I ate a lot today. I didn't realize all I was eating until I started counting it on my calorie counter. I was appalled. I do think it is due to the weather we have been having: nothing but rain, rain, more rain, and did I mention rain? I do need to get a handle on this. Tomorrow I will fast, so that I remember what it feels like to have nothing. I will not do this often, but I need to remember that I CAN overcome this with the power of God, and I need to tell myself that there is a limit to which I can eat. I do not seem to be limiting myself anymore, so I need to start thinking of what is right for me. I will no longer let myself eat tons of sugar, and I will stay away from the white flour. Tomorrow it will be veggies and fruit only. I will stick with that. I hope that will make up for today.

08 oktober 2012

Ok, so I ended up realizing the last week or so I was in manic phase. I had thought that my manias were faster than it was last week and no one said anything to me about being manic, but I definitely was. This caused me to crash this weekend and for four days I went over on my calories because I was eating too much. I realize I cannot buy certain things to eat so I have to be careful what I buy. Anyway, I feel bloated and BLAH. I have been home all weekend and around no one else, so it was just me crashing, my fridge, and temptation. I did not have a lot to eat in my house so I ate like a whole package of multigrain crackers. Oh I will feel that later. I haven't managed to overcome my crash, so it has put me into a bit of a funk. So now I am not only crashing, but rapid cycling as well. Oh boy, I hate when my symptoms show. I am naturally a happy person, at least I try to be, so these moments when bipolar is rearing its ugly face, I try to combat it. I am going to try to overcome the down feeling and tomorrow should be a better day as I start work tomorrow. It is only two hours a week but it is better than nothing. Anyway, I just hope the rest of the week looks better. Here's to health.

05 oktober 2012

Ok, so I am like totally in check right now. My meals have gotten smaller, and I am not as hungry as I was anymore. And since my meals have gotten smaller, I am not consuming many calories anymore. WOW, I never thought I would be eating less than 2000 calories and not pining for more. And I am not talking just a few less calories, I am talking like five or six hundred less. For me, THAT is a breakthrough. Now in the morning, I have ONE English muffin (Fiber One, I find they are the best) and ONE MEASURED tablespoon of peanut butter. And 12 ounces of milk. I do not have fruit at this time because I do not have any, but when I go shopping next, I will be sure to get some. I also have many activities in my life keeping me in check as well. I am waking up earlier, which gives me a chance to come on FatSecret and type my journal entries, check my messages, and perhaps respond to a few other people. That really gives me a boost for the day. I also just started a two hour a week job. Right now it is not much, but I feel it will amount to something. I am going to school, which in itself is rewarding. I am also starting to get more involved in my arts&crafts, which to me is a LOT of fun. I learned from someone on here (Thanks, Angel_Face) that I can make a reward list for the little increments of weight I lose, like buying myself something nice when I lose ten pounds or twenty, or when I walk all week. It's not just the weight loss I will reward myself with, it's the other goals as well. If I take a walk everyday for a week, I will buy myself something from the craft store or if I stick to my food plan for two weeks straight, I will reward myself with a movie (no snacks). I am really looking at the big picture here and finding life so much fun!!! I know not everyone can feel that way, but I have a REALLY GREAT God in my life who directs my every move, so there is nothing I can't do. And my anxiety has waned as well. I am not as much of a nervous wreck as before and I am more calm and patient than I was, thanks be to God himself. Anyway, I know this is long, but there really is so much to say and I have so many words to say it with. So here is hoping everyone else can feel as blessed as I do. Thanks for listening

03 oktober 2012

Today for breakfast I decided to have a little cereal with my English muffin. Turns out that was a mistake. The cereal I ate (cookie crisp) had no nutritional value. I thought it would at least have whole grains, but there was not enough fiber in it to make a hamster poop. So I am cutting out the cereal tomorrow and just having ONE English Muffin with peanut butter and one cup of milk. That is a well-balanced, high-protein breakfast that should get me up to 12pm. I am really starting to make better choices about what I eat, although I do not think I will be any kind of cereal anymore, not even healthy ones, because I tend to want to eat it all. Anyway, tomorrow is another day to make good choices, and the rest of today as well. My lunch is packed with a couple of treats (1 biscotti and a small half cup (less than a half cup) of yogurt raisins) but I really doubt I will even eat it all once I have my protein. I am going to eat the protein and whole grains I packed first and sit on that before I have a treat. I may decide I do not want the treat. Also, I think, before I leave for classes today, I may even take one of those treats out. I mean, what's the sense of eating all the treats in one sitting? I am trying to limit sugar, but it is difficult for me. I will keep trying, at least to cut down on it anyway. Yes, as soon as I finish this entry, I am going to remove one of those treats from my lunchbag. I will save the yogurt raisins for another day, and just have the (1) Biscotti. See that? I am making more improvements everyday. How wonderful it is to be so much more mindful of what I am eating and drinking.

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